ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists SIG Hispanic Travel Award

1 enero 2012


The Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists (HOT) has provided travel awards for the past seven years to Hispanic students and postdoctoral trainees working in the area of toxicology research. The HOT travel award is offered to outstanding young scientists of Hispanic origin to help with the associated costs of presenting their research at and attending the SOT Annual Meeting. Our organization places particular emphasis on high quality research that includes, but is not limited to, Hispanic population issues pertinent to the USA and Latin America. We look forward to continuing to provide a competitive travel award and encouraging the participation of all Hispanic students and postdoctoral trainee members of HOT. HOT will give preference to first-time applicants with a high quality research background. Previous winners may apply with the understanding that the likelihood of winning a second award may be linked to funding availability after all first-time applicant winners have been selected. The award consists of $750.00 and a beautiful plaque for your lab or office space.

To apply for the HOT Travel Award, candidates must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Applicant must be an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate fellow
  2. Applicant must be BOTH an SOT and HOT member (or applicant) of Hispanic origin
  3. Applicant must be first author of an abstract submitted and accepted for the 2012 SOT Annual Meeting
  4. Applicant must submit a copy of the complete abstract accepted by SOT and a letter of recommendation from a mentor (not to exceed one page)
  5. Documents must be received no later than 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time(EST) on January 12, 2012

HOT is proud to welcome all interested Hispanic young toxicologists to join us in our journey to make a global impact through our organization.

All documents are to be e-mailed to: Betina Lew, Ph.D. and a copy also sent to: Pedro L. Del Valle, Ph.D.

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Categorías: Premios